Meet A Mom - Sedgwick County Moms Network

Meet A Mom from the Greater Wichita Area

Momprenuers: 21Seeds Tequila

Momprenuers: 21Seeds Tequila

This week, we’re thrilled to be sharing one of our favorite female-founded brands, 21Seeds.  Lead by three amazing moms, it’s an all-natural line of fruit and botanical-infused tequila.

Meet Zibby Owens, Author of Moms Don’t Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology

Meet Zibby Owens, Author of Moms Don’t Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology

Zibby Owens is known for her podcast, Moms Don’t Have Time To Read Books, gaining recognition everywhere from to New York magazine. In 2020, she decided to put together a related anthology, Moms Don’t Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology, a collection of essays covering topics we all deal with—parenthood, fitness, sex, etc…aka life!

Meet a Mom Actress Yllka Gashi!

Meet a Mom Actress Yllka Gashi!

Meet the inspiring Yllka Gashi, a mom and actress getting rave reviews for her lead role in HIVE. Yllka spoke to us about HIVE, her own experience in Kosovo, and the path that brought her to the United States, and eventually to Darien, CT.

Meet a Mom: Marcee Locke of Any Lab Test Now!

Meet a Mom: Marcee Locke of Any Lab Test Now!

Have you ever needed blood work or lab testing done and didn't know where to go? Ever been without insurance and need those? Well, thankfully Marcee Locke of Any Lab Test Now is a local Wichita business owner! How many kids do you have and what are their ages? I have...

Meet A Mom: Shaunte Davis of ICT Popup Shop

Meet A Mom: Shaunte Davis of ICT Popup Shop

Do you like supporting local Wichita small businesses? Enjoy when many are all together to make your shopping experience easier and more fun? Well, Shaunte of ICT Pop Up Shop has got you covered! And, she’s also a mom! She’s a Wichita mom-prenuer!

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